
FoolFarm Academy presents Max Pog and great research on startup studios

We invite you to participate in an exclusive event dedicated to Startuppers and companies interested in the Startup Studio and Venture Building phenomenon. FoolFarm and its FoolFarm Academy inagurates the 1st Master in Venture Building and Artificial Intelligence in Italy with an exceptional guest, Max Pog

The author of The Great Search for Startup Studios 2023 and top international expert on the startup studio phenomenon will be in Milan on March 21 at FoolFarm Industries in Milan at the opening night of the 1st master's program in venture building in Italy.

The event will also be attended by:

  • Prof. Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffè, Professor of Strategy at Bocconi University School of Management
  • Prof. Alessio Tola and Full Professor of Merchandise Science and University of Sassari Delegate for Technology Transfer
  • Andrea Cinelli, Ceo & Founder of FoolFarm Spa


C.F/P.IVA 11331520962

Milan Business Office

NR. REA: MI2595513

Share capital and paid-up share €171,393.00 i.v.


Via Lorenzo Valla 16, 20141 Milano

+39 0289692620

+39 0289692621


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